Quality and Environment Policy

Our quality objectives:

Movvo, in its different lines of action, establishes its Quality and Environment Policy under the principle of maximizing Satisfaction
of our Clients, as well as the rest of the Interested Parties; assuming for this purpose the following commitments:

  • Closeness to the Client, with maximum flexibility , meeting their requirements, needs and, to the extent possible, their highest expectations.
  • Compliance with the applicable legislation , as well as all those management references that are demanded.
  • Environmental protection , pollution prevention and sustainable use of resources.
  • Talent management, betting on the training, communication and active participation of our workers, taking care of their Occupational Health and Safety.

All of this under the principle of Continuous Improvement that helps us work with this philosophy, adapting to changes in our environment without losing our key success factors and respecting the Environment in which we develop our activities.

Our commitment to the environment:

  • Reduce the amount of contaminated plastic containers and absorbents; as well as minimize the probability of a spill occurring.

You can download our Quality and Environment Policy in pdf format by clicking here
